- You don't have to play all the time.
- Start a tone gradually.
- Stop a tone gradually.
- Absorb in the global sound.
- Strive for the continuity of the general sound.
- Strive for balance.
- Give rise to beats when appropriate.
- Try to trigger auditory distortion products, when the context is appropriate.
- You can take the sound of a neighboring performer if you want to.
- You can change your position if you like.
- Follow the general shape
- Stop your playing when you think that the goal has accomplished and the piece can now end.
- Performers are distributed among and around the audience.
- Portable speakers can be used for better sound quality.
- There is an inherent theatrical element in the movements of the performers.
- Performers download the web page of the piece before the performance.
Goal: A mental picture about the form of the piece. Consists of a web of mental spaces that form according to the directions, rehearsals and performances of the piece.